Welcome to St John’s Hopwood

 On behalf of the church community at St John’s we would like to welcome you to our website. St John’s is a friendly Christian community that seeks to enable people of all ages to meet with God through the local church.

 Reverend Kirsty Screeton. Vicar of St. John’s and St. Luke’s

Curate. Rev Kirsten Stott

For baptism, wedding and reading of banns bookings and enquires please come along to our office booking session. 2nd Sunday of each month 12.15 – 12.45pm in the church hall. You are more than welcome to join us for our all age worship before at 11.15am. (For funerals your funeral director will make contact with us).


If you want some bereavement support, feel free to contact our lay bereavement minister on Diane Pullan – 07761 864267
For other enquires not answered via our website please either contact us via our ‘Contact Us’ page and your message will be forwarded to the relevant person, or contact our Church Warden, Carol Grime, on 07735796396.

Church Warden: Carol Grime – grimec77@gmail.com / 07735796396.

Church Calendar – a list of church / hall availability is on the calendar in the hall, however before adding anything, please do just check with Geoff and Joan Varley. This is mainly as they are overseeing funeral bookings so need to know when church is available and not. varwin@hotmail.co.uk

Both St. John’s and St. Luke’s can be found on Facebook or via their websites:
St. John’s Hopwood (stjohnshopwood.org) / St Luke’s Church, Heywood – Home (stlukesheywood.org.uk)

If you wish to discuss any pastoral matter, please contact our Minister Rev Kirsty Screeton via our Contact page.
If we can be of any help during this time of uncertainty please do get in touch.

If you want to contact us, please click here.

Mission Purpose Statement:

We are called by God to know Jesus through worship and discipleship. We seek to share the love of Jesus in our local community through welcome and outreach.

 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.  John chapter 3 verse 16.

For a link to a location map, please click here – the church is on the junction of Manchester Road and Middleton Road.

Easyfundraising Website If you wish to support us with your online shopping, you can now do so via our new Easyfundraising website. St. Johns then receives a donation on your behalf from any of the 2000 retailers you may visit & shop on line. Just follow the link below to sign up as a Supporter. It takes two minutes and can make a big difference through very little effort, especially if you also agree to Gift Aid your donations. – Fundraising | Charity Fundraising Online | You Spend Online, Brands Donate | Easyfundraising